Marshmallow Root & Jasmine Flowers Yoni Soap

Marshmallow Root & Jasmine Flowers Yoni Soap

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Marshmallow root and Jasmine flowers yoni soap is a natural cleansing product designed for feminine hygiene. Marshmallow root, known for its soothing properties, can help calm irritation and inflammation, while jasmine flowers offer a delicate scent and potential antibacterial benefits. This soap is formulated to maintain the pH balance of the vaginal area and promote overall freshness and comfort.


Maintains pH balance: Helps preserve the natural acidic pH of the vagina, preventing infections.

Reduces odor: Controls and minimizes unwanted odors for enhanced freshness.

Soothes irritation: Calms and soothes sensitive skin, reducing discomfort and inflammation.

Prevents infections: Contains antibacterial properties to help fend off harmful bacteria and yeast.

Cleanses gently: Provides effective yet gentle cleansing without disrupting the natural flora of the vagina.

Enhances comfort: Promotes a feeling of cleanliness and comfort throughout the day.

Ingredients: Olive, Coconut ,Palm,Castor Oils Distilled Water Sodium Hydroxide Marshmallow Root and Jasmine Flowers 


At Foxxiebox, yoni cold-pressed soaps are handcrafted with a genuine touch of care and commitment to your unique needs. Personally want you to know that these soaps, while exquisitely made, may exhibit charming variations in color, shape, and size, reflecting the artisanal love that goes into each bar. Your skin's well-being is our priority, and conduct safety checks, yet advise a patch test for those with allergies or specific skin concerns. Foxxiebox dedication to using organic, fragrance-free ingredients is unwavering, but do encourage you to peruse the label for specific components. Proper storage in a dry, well-ventilated space ensures the lasting freshness of your soap. Should you ever have questions or uncertainties about our products, don't hesitate to consult with a medical professional. Deeply value your trust in Foxxiebox, and honored to be part of your personalized yoni and skin care journey, filled with love and care.


FoxxieBox promotes holistic well-being and offers holistic products and services. However, I am not a healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your wellness routine or starting any new holistic therapies or supplements. Holistic health is meant to complement, not replace, traditional medical care. Individual results may vary. Your health and well-being are important to us, and Foxxiebox are here to support you on your journey to holistic wellness.